Published work

DRY Front cover
I write fiction and non fiction, and draw illustrations. My work is published in books, journals and on websites in the form of academic and creative writing, illustrations, infographics and poems.

Here are some examples of my writing and illustration featuring work I have either solo-authored or led on. Other examples of my co-authored work can be viewed on my University of the West of England profile, which you can access here.

2024 Gorell Barnes, L., Podpadec, T., Jones, V., Vafadari, J., Pawson, C., Whitehouse, S., Richards, M (in press 2024) “Where do you feel it most?” Using body mapping to explore the lived experiences of racism with 10- and 11-year-olds. British Educational Research Journal.
Here is a link to the paper

2024 Gorell Barnes, L., Jones, V., Podpadec, T., Pawson, C., Whitehouse, S., Richards, M., & Vafadari, J. (in press 2024). Kindness in an anti-racist society. Primary Geography.
Here is a link to the paper

2022 I designed, curated and co-produced the research-informed children’s book ‘If Racism Vanished for a Day…’ with participants and the RESPECT research team who are: Luci Gorell Barnes, Verity Jones, Chris Pawson, Tessa Podpadec, Malcolm Richards, Justin Vafadari and Sarah Whitehouse.
If Racism Vanished for a Day - Front Cover
Here is a link to the book

2022 I illustrated and co-produced the research-informed children’s book ‘Learning to live with Fog Monsters’ with Verity Jones, Lindsey McEwen and Amanda Webber.
Front cover
Here is a link to the book

2022 I have written a chapter ‘The Welcome Banner: cultural exchange through creative collaboration’ for Creative Arts Approaches to Teaching English as an Additional Language in Schools Bristol: Multilingual Matters, edited by Jane Andrews and Maryam Almohammad, Routledge.
Here is a link to the book.

2021  Promoting Water Efficiency and Hydrocitizenship in Young People’s Learning about Drought Risk in a Temperate Maritime Country by Verity Jones, Sarah Whitehouse, Lindsey McEwen, Sara Williams and me.
Here is a link to the paper

2021 I am a contributor in Artful Collaborative Inquiry: Making and Writing Creative, Qualitative Research, edited by Davina Kirkpatrick, Sue Porter, Jane Speedy, and Jonathan Wyatt, published by Routledge.
Here is a link to the book

2020 ‘Reweaving urban water-community relations: creative, participatory river ‘daylighting’ and local hydrocitizenship’ with Lindsey McEwen, Iain Biggs and Katherine Phillips in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
Braided river infographic
Here is a link to the paper

2019 ‘DRY: the diary of a water superhero’. Illustrated by me and co-produced with Lindsey McEwen, Verity Jones, Sarah Whitehouse and Sara Williams. Silver Award winner at 2020 Geographical Association Publishers Awards.
DRY March
Here is a link to the book

2019 ‘Voicing waters: (co-)creative reflections on sound, water, conversations and hydrocitizenship’ with Owain Jones and Antony Lyons in Doughty, K.; Duffy, M. & Harada, T. (Eds), Elgar.
Here is a link to the book

2019 Two paintings accompanying Iain Biggs’s Five Notes on Thinking Through ‘Ensemble Practices’ in ClimateCultures – creative conversations for the Anthropocene
Hands detail
Here is a link to ClimateCultures

2019 ‘Slow Flow: a layered mapping workshop’ with Iain Biggs in Povall, R. (Ed) Liquidscapes,, 131-137.
Here is a link to

2018 ‘This Long River’ in Roberts, E. and Phillips, K. Eds. Water, Meaning and Creativity: Understanding human-water relationships, Routledge, 36-53.
Figure 3 Ghost rivers
Here is a link to the book

2017 ‘The Lane’, illustrated creative writing in Uniformagazine 9, Uniformbooks: UK.The Lane
Here is a link to Uniformagazine

2016 Working with small groups of children on the allotment in Settings-Based Research.
Here is a link to Bristol Early Years Research

2014 ‘She goes to pray’ in anthology, Teaching as a Human Experience, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Here is a link to a sample of the anthology

2014 ‘Writing from the margins of myself’, International Journal of Qualitative Methods 13, 237-254.
You can link to the paper here

2013 Hand drawn map for the cover of Carrie Hitchcock’s ‘The Story of the Yard: Building a Community’published by Tangent Books.
Here is a link to the book.
Map of The Yard_edited-3

2007 ‘Bookshed and Books’ in Bodman, S. (Ed) Artist’s Book Yearbook 2008-2009, Impact Press at The Centre for Fine Print Research, UWE: Bristol.
Here is a link to the book.