Outdoor learning

Companion Planting thumbnail

The natural world is not equally accessible to us all, and in my outdoor sessions I aim to provide safe spaces in which people can work alongside each other doing real jobs and learning real skills. I have chosen three examples of outdoor work, Companion Planting, Speedwell Nursery School, and Nature Discovery, all of which Read More…

Deep and digital: creative collaborations online

Luci map for MSNW

When we went into lockdown it was immediately apparent that many people were struggling with multiple uncertainties. I felt that the most useful thing I could do was to offer ‘creative containers’ that could hold people’s images and ideas and help them maintain their sense of self and community, and I used a number of Read More…

Working with people


I love the way that participatory art can bring people together, and in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, (1972) Paulo Freire writes, ‘The naming of the world, which is an act of creation and re-creation, is not possible if it is not infused with love. Love is at the same time the foundation of dialogue and Read More…